Basic facts
General objective
Specific Objectives
Number of Research Programs in Each Sector
Budget Trend
Operational Budget Vs Salary + Allowance + Pension by Sectors, 2016
Budget Proportion and Utilization Trend
  • Limited resources and huge expectations drive the institute to allocate resources in areas of top priority.
  • More than 75 research programs and 2,200 research activities on average each year in the EIAR.
  • EIAR budget dispatched for more than 62 research centers (federal, regional, universities, etc.)
  • There is always dissatisfaction from all sectors/programs in the share of resources annually allocated.
  • Priority setting is of critical importance to focus on investments that are in the best interest of the national economy.

Initiator: Mekonnen H. (Ph.D) Digital system: Rediet S. and Solomon A. (Ph.D) @ 2023